January 2024
New brand name Current Motion

Poseidon Propulsion has recently undergone a significant transformation. It will continue as a supplier of seals and thrust bearings. All thruster products will now be housed in Current Motion, which reflects our commitment to pioneering sustainable advancements within the maritime sector.
We believe electricity is not just a choice but the dynamic force steering sustainable boating toward a brighter horizon. Our commitment to electrically driven thrusters is not passive; it propels us to craft a future where innovation goes together with environmental responsibility.
The decision to adopt the name Current Motion underscores our ongoing dedication to providing innovative and environmentally conscious propulsion solutions. This rebranding marks a significant moment in our journey, emphasizing our forward-thinking approach and dedication to shaping the future of maritime technology.
Current means current, emphasizing that we produce electrically powered thrusters but also flow, indicating that we operate in a hydrodynamic environment.
Motion signifies movement, indicating that our thrusters propel ships, while also encouraging a shift to eco-friendly propulsion systems.
For more information, please get in touch with Arij Huijser or Marco Huisman.
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New brand name Current Motion
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Arij Huijser
Commercial director
+31 612 585 160